Peace in Financial Hardship

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on.  Is not your life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

(Matthew 6:25, 33)

If ever there was a year we may lack peace in our finances it’s 2020!  I know so many people who have lost their jobs, many who remain unemployed as we’ve shut down our economy to diminish the effects of Covid-19.  Small business owners are struggling to stay afloat with a significant decrease in sales, and many have closed their doors forever.  In a time when things are so uncertain, it’s hard to have confidence in our income as we don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring.  Yet the Lord doesn’t want us to put our faith in our money, He wants us to trust in Him.

My husband lost his job due to the pandemic.  It was very unexpected, and very sudden.  He’s a very dependable, hard worker and is faithful and loyal to his employers.  It was the first time I’d ever seen him come home with a box in his hands.  It was shocking and pretty scary, we have four children to feed and clothe.  My mind raced to a million money-making-schemes right away.    When the initial shock wore off and we began to pray and seek God’s will for us, we found peace in knowing God has a plan and has promised that He will take care of our needs as we trust in Him.  God has provided for us in miraculous ways over the past few months, and through unexpected means that we did not seek out on our own. 

Jesus told us that we are to “seek first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33).  Focusing on our bank accounts and the unknown will rob us of any peace.  Focusing on God and remembering His faithfulness throughout our lives, recognizing that He holds all things together, having confidence in His love and care for us, that lifts our eyes above the current financial storm and gives us hope and peace.  We continue to serve in ministry, even if the way we serve has changed, we find new ways to reach out to people and we walk with God on mission in our city. 

I pray that God uses this time to strip away the false security we have in worldly things this year, including our bank accounts, that we learn to trust Him and see Him care for us in ways we never had the courage to before.  May we be at peace knowing that God is in control and able to provide everything we need.