Leader and Commander

“Behold, I made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and commander for the peoples.” Isaiah 55:4

It’s easy to get behind the Christmas Jesus, baby Jesus, soft and mild and sleeping in the manger.  He is so non-threatening there, isn’t He?  If this is the only Jesus we see, no wonder we are living with record amounts of fear, depression and anxiety.  How is baby Jesus going to heal me from my illness?  What can He do to save my marriage?  How can I hope in a helpless babe to save me from the mess I have made out of my life? 

The reason so many of us don’t experience true Gospel transformation is we forget that Jesus grew up.  He overturned tables, He cast out demons, He rebuked the religious leaders, He commanded nature itself to obey His voice.  Jesus is our Leader and Commander.  He is far from helpless and weak.  Jesus is all powerful, and one day every knee will bow, whether in this life in adoration and willing submission or in the next in subjugation and defeat. 

But we are a rebellious lot.  We want to be lord of our own lives.  We turn our backs on God and refuse to follow Jesus again and again.  Jesus is a loving, kind, gracious leader.  There is nothing He calls us to that He didn’t lead us in example first.  Jesus showed us every way we are to live when He walked on this earth, showing us what it means to be a servant, a healer, a friend, a teacher, a brother, and ultimately sacrificing Himself to show us what it looks like to love to the uttermost as He suffered and died on the cross.  There is nothing Jesus calls us to do that He didn’t lead the way in first.

Knowing that Jesus is good and loving and kind takes the fear out of following Him.  We are not meant to determine our own rules and follow our own way, God created us to trust and follow Him wherever He may lead us.  Whatever you may be facing in your life today, know that Jesus has plans to lead you into an abundant and joyful life with Him.  That doesn’t mean it will always be easy, but it will be good!