Bread of Life

“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.'” (John 6:35)

I am so thankful that God has not stopped amazing me with connections in His word yet.  In this portion of scripture, Jesus is responding to his disciples who are asking Him for a sign.  They are referencing the sign Moses gave them in the desert of mana from heaven to eat.  Jesus responds to them that the bread from Heaven wasn’t a gift from Moses, it was a gift from God, and now they have that very gift standing in front of them, asking them to follow Him.

How easy it is be like these disciples and give Jesus our conditions.  “I’ll follow you once you prove yourself to me, Jesus”.  We look for ways God has worked in other people’s lives to be the same in our own lives, but Jesus us calls us to follow Him, not to follow signs.  We are only satisfied when our focus is on Christ alone, and wonders come as a result of that. 

God gave us the whole Bible, an eternity of history, in His word.  We have all the proof we need.  Dive into God’s word and feed your faith with the wonderful and miraculous works He has done throughout time, and then step out in faith and walk with Jesus where He will call you alone to go.  Only there will we find the satisfaction and sustenance for our souls that we all so deeply long for.