Covid-Safe Ways to Be a Light in Your Community this Christmas

The sermon at my church today was based on John 8:12;

“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

It was a great encouragement today that in these dark times we are facing, there is a light that shines bright and as we as Christians live in that light, we beome light to those around us. You can view here the teaching here,

In light of this reminder and admonishment to be the light to those around us, I am considering ways we can do that this Christmas while many of us are facing new lockdowns and restrictions. Here are some ways you can savely be a light to those around you and still practice Covid-safe practices.

  1. Handwritten notes: How special is it to receive a handwritten note or card? I save literally everyone I receive. When I am feeling discouraged, rereading those notes brings me so much joy. This is the perfect time to write someone a note and send it through the mail or drop it off on their doorstep. Consider especially those who are alone and don’t have family or many friends to check in on them, that odd neighbor, the grumpy teacher, the single guy or gal who just moved to town. Really easy and inexpensive (if not free!) way to encourage someone.
  2. Grocery shopping: Those of us who are not high risk can easily check with those who are and see if we can pick up their groceries while we are out and then drop them off. If you know someone who lost their job recently, you can even offer to bring some things for free.
  3. Gift Drop: I was super blessed by a surprise visitor back in March that brought me a basket full of little goodies that made my week! When we’re stuck at home a little gift goes a long way to lift the spirits!
  4. Call/Text: Just a quick call or text to let people know you’re thinking of them means the world to people. If you text or call just 1 person a day, think of how many people God can show His love and care for through you.
  5. Help with Christmas Presents: With so many families in need right now, can you pick up a gift card to help a family purchase Christmas presents this year? Even just $25 can make a difference. You can send over email and make this completely contact-free.
  6. Reach out to Neighbors: You’ll have to determine what they’re comfortable with and what the restrictions are in your local area, but our family is doing a lot of baking with our extra time and we’ll be dropping off cookies and confections to our neighbors.

That’s all I got! But I bet you have some much better ideas, please share them so we can be on the lookout for opportunities to shine the light that’s within us and bring some hope and joy to our communities this Christmas season.