Glory in the Doubts

And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this?  For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.”

Luke 1:18

God is in the business of doing impossible things.  Zechariah knew the stories of old, he knew that God rescued the Israelites from Pharaoh by parting the sea. He knew that God tore down the walls of Jericho with a shout. He knew that God rescued Noah and his family from a great flood by providing blueprints for a large boat.  He knew that Jonah was saved from drowning when he was swallowed by a great fish.  And he knew the many more amazing feats of God.  Zechariah even knew that God gave Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age.  So why does Zechariah question the angel that comes to give him this good news that he and Elizabeth will finally have the child they have been praying for?  It certainly doesn’t make biological sense.  Zechariah and Elizabeth are too old to have children.  They have been trying for years and to no avail.  What would your reaction be to this messenger from God? 

When God tells me something that seems impossible, something that I have given up would ever happen, my first reaction is often to doubt.  The consequence for this in Zechariah’s life was that he was unable to speak until the baby was born.  What is really amazing to note about this account is that God didn’t need Zechariah’s testimony to be glorified!  As we’ll see later, the secret of Elizabeth’s pregnancy will serve as a great confirmation and encouragement for both her and Mary.  It is a privilege to be able to boast in the Lord and share of his good deeds and miraculous power, it is not something God is left wanting for without us. 

Is my reaction to the call of God praise or doubt?  Do I really believe Him?  The entire story of the birth of Christ is one marked with supernatural, mysterious, and unexpected events. Do you expect the unexpected from God?  Have you given up on the answer to your prayers because it doesn’t make biological sense?  Do you trust God to heal your incurable disease?  To mend the relationship that’s been broken beyond repair?  To create life where you have only seen barrenness?  If we are not trusting God in these impossible situations, then it is better that we do not speak than to spread our doubt and faithlessness.    

Oh Lord, shut my mouth if my doubts and unbelief should ever cause a stumbling block to those around me. 

As soon as Zechariah gets his speech back, the first words out of his mouth are Holy Spirit filled prophesy, praising and glorifying God.  Such a wonder to consider all the lives that must have been affected by this miraculous birth.  And it was just a precursor to the even greater miracle that was coming, the birth of Jesus.