Man of Sorrows

“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3)

This verse pierces my heart.  To consider the Lord I love so much, knowing on this side of history who He was, perfect and holy and good, having come to save us and rescue us from our own sin and self-destruction, that His life on this earth was marked by sadness and suffering.  We didn’t recognize God when He was standing right in front of us.  We didn’t want what He came to offer.  We wanted someone to conquer the world around us but Jesus came to vanquish the sin within us.  We wanted the easy road to victory, but Jesus showed us the humble road to Calvary.  Jesus knew how hard and full of suffering His entire life would be on this earth, yet His love for us is so great that He came anyway. 

How often do I look to Jesus and expect Him to do a mighty work and fix others rather than beg Him to change me?  Where is the ease and comfort of idols distorting my view and distracting me from the mission God has for me?  Where am I rejecting my Lord and Savior because following Him in that area is too hard and requires too much sacrifice?

This Man of Sorrows knows all the hurt and rejection we could ever face.  And when we feel the harsh sting of that pain, Jesus understands all too well.  Jesus’ sorrow was on our behalf.  When we face suffering, Jesus is in it with us.  When our family mocks and ridicules us, Jesus takes that offense for us.  When we face the heartache of rebellious children, Jesus comforts us with complete understanding. 

The amazing thing is this Man of Sorrows endured so much more hatred and rejection than we could ever face, from the moment He was born He was an outcast, yet He will never reject us, He will never leave us alone in our grief.  Jesus offers us love and grace, He is the giver of ultimate joy.  What a sweet friend we have in Jesus.