Blessed and Only Potentate

Which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords” 1 Timothy 6:15

Potentate is defined as one who possesses great power or sway and as applied to God is expressive of His transcendent power and authority.  The Greek word used here, “dunastes”, can also mean Sovereign, and is the same word used to describe a leader of leaders, someone with an inherent right to command and rule over others.  I think it’s kind of hard to understand this as an American because our leaders are voted in and have limited power, we don’t have an autocratic government in which one leader has unlimited authority.  One day we will though. 

That thought can be a little terrifying now because we have fallen, sinful, imperfect leaders and it’s hard to imagine any one of them having unlimited power.  We’ve seen a little of how that can go these past two years as emergency declarations have been taken advantage of in some circumstances.  Whatever your political leanings may be, I would be your feelings are stronger now than ever in opposition to those on the other side of the aisle.  I have never seen a time where people are so angry and so intense in their opposition.  It is discouraging. 

But one day there won’t be sides.  One day Jesus is going to come back and He is going to be our perfect, Holy, kind, gracious, autocratic ruler.  We will never fear His decrees because everything He does will be in perfect love and care for us, completely in step with how we were created to live and be fruitful and joyful on this earth.  Sin will be no more, so we won’t have the brokenness that comes from abuse and we inflict on one another in this present age.  There will be no more lying, no more theft, no more infidelity, no more pride.  We will be set free from our idolatry and will experience for the first time what it looks like to worship God fully without our unfaithful hearts running after false gods.  What comes to your mind as you imagine what a world without sin will look like? 

It is comforting to know that the Lord isn’t worried about who is in the White House.  “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding” (Daniel 2:21).  We can trust that everything happening now is part of His plan, as hard as it may be to watch the suffering and persecution of our brothers and sisters around the globe under evil rulers.  Jesus is our Blessed and Only Potentate, He is coming back to rule and reign and make everything right.  The groanings of this life on this fallen planet can make us all the more hopeful and cause us to lift our eyes and look forward to the day Christ returns.