Founder and Perfector of Our Faith

“looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2) 

Hebrews chapter 11 is often called “The Hall of Faith”, it lists the men and women of the old testament that you might consider the “heroes” of our faith.  From Abel to Daniel, these people were able to partake in the miracles and blessings of God not because of anything they did, but because of their faith.  It’s interesting that the writer of Hebrews follows this narrative with the proclamation that Jesus is the “Founder” of our faith.  Jesus, who we did not come in the flesh until after all of these people, He is the one we are to look to as the originator of everything we believe. 

We want to look back to those who have gone before us and follow their example.  Or we want to look to whomever the popular pastor is at the moment.  But we are to look to Jesus!  Woe to me if am looking to other sinners to feed an fuel my faith.  There can be lessons in their examples, to be sure, but their stories should point us to the source of hope they had, which has always been Jesus.  Where humans will always fail us and disappoint us, where they are powerless and hopeless, Jesus is always going to be Faithful and True, His power is without end and His mercies are new every morning.

Everything hinges on Jesus.  Every hard thing I face has to be viewed in light of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.  Everything that seems challenging or uncomfortable that I want to avoid, has to be viewed in light of the cross Jesus endured.  Everything that seems to be impossible has to be seen through the lens of the victory of Jesus’ resurrection and the fact that He is currently seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

No suffering is too great, if it makes me like Jesus.  No shame is too heavy that He can’t take the weight from me.  No challenge is so insurmountable that Jesus can’t conquer it for me.  This is our faith.  Humility, forgiveness, hope.  Jesus showed us everything in His life here.  The question is will we follow Him or will we seek our own way?  The name “Christian” means “Little Christ”.  It was meant to ridicule us, but the early church gladly accepted it as its identity.  Will you follow Him?  Will you be a “little Christ” and step into whatever path the Lord call for you, knowing that you are walking with Jesus and following His example of faith and perseverance?  Looking to anyone other than Christ will not give us the strength and endurance we need, only Jesus can.  Jesus is the Founder and Perfector of our faith, everything we need we find in Him.