We Have Seen His Glory

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

John 1:14

On an unassuming night in Bethlehem, over 2000 years ago, the most profound miracle in the history of all the world took place.  While only a few humble humans were in attendance, hosts of angels were singing and praising and watching in awe.  We had been waiting for Him, longing for Him, groaning for Him.  He was promised from the beginning, from the very first moment our will bowed to sin and we were left helpless to save ourselves.  All the effects of sin would mar every aspect of our lives, from our work to our relationships to our childbearing, everything is now affected by the curse that was the consequence for that very first sin.  In the midst of our despair and hopelessness, God broke through our shame and guilt with a promise that He was going to send His Son to rescue us one day; to rescue us from our enemies of Satan, sin and death and make all things new. 

Our God is the only God who would leave His throne to walk among us.  Our God is the only God who would suffer for His creation.  Our God is the only God who knows what it is to be tempted and yet without sin.  Our God is the only God that has such a deep and unfailing love for us that He would walk obediently to the cross to make a way for us sinners to be saved through His own sacrifice in our place, taking the punishment we deserve as He shed His blood and died so that we would be set free from sin.  And our God is the only God that rose from death, conquering that great enemy so that we could spend eternity in relationship with Him. 

Jesus.  Our Savior and King.  Don’t let His humble beginnings fool you, His glory is unprecedented and unmatched.  This advent, as we celebrate the miracle of Christ’s birth, let us look at the many ways Jesus displayed His supernatural power and might from the creation of the world through His ascension into heaven. 

“Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!” -Psalm 105:3