Yes, Lord

“And Mary said to the angel, ‘How will this be, since I am a virgin?’… And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’”

Luke 1:34, 38

It is interesting that Mary, like Zechariah, also asked the angel who visited her “How?”  The difference for Mary is that she asked “how will this be”, whereas Zechariah asked “How shall I know this?”  You can see the difference in that Mary was asking for understanding of how this huge event was going to happen, not doubting the message sent to her by God.  Her trusting heart is revealed as she proclaims, “let it be to me according to your word”.  Alone, young, unwed, facing shame and humiliation, Mary said “Yes, Lord”. 

Can you imagine being given a task so weighty?  I find the responsibility of caring for my own children to be so overwhelming at times, can you imagine having to raise the incarnate God?  We like to think of the ways the Lord will call us to prosperity and success, but how about the ways the Lord will call us to face rejection?  How has the Lord asked you to trust him and follow him into an unknown situation that will not make sense to anybody else?  Will you allow him to use you to bring salvation to others, even at the cost of your own comfort and reputation?  Will his voice be louder than the whispers and gossip of others?  Will your heart be still and at peace in whatever task he has for you? 

Fear of man has been a tough idol to conquer in my own heart.  Worry and anxiety over what people will think of me has been a stumbling block to me far too many times.  I pray the Lord will grow me more in the example of Mary to fully trust him and obey him in all things. 

I am a servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.